Sunday, April 1, 2012

All American Kicking is Directing U. of Florida Gators Kicking Camp for 2012!

All American Kicking is proud to announce it will be directing the University of Floirda's Kicking Camp!  We are very excited to go back where it all started and give the best kicking instruction from the best group of instructors.  We will be bringing back former Gators, other highly respected kicking coaches in Florida, and of course, the AAK instructors.  So, if yours a Kicker/Punter/Snapper, come on out. 

If your looking to get recruited, they might be looking for quite a few walk-on spots to fill as there roster is very low on specialist.  Contact Coach Fleming with any question you may have and we hope to see you all out there soon!

Go Gators!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

St. Louis Camp a Big Success!

All American Kicking ( had another good trip to St. Louis for a camp.  Each time I return home (I am from Kirkwood, MO originally), I am always impressed with the level of talent.  St. Louis is not know as a "hotbed" for specialist, but each year there seems to be a few top-notch guys that come out of the STL and this year is no exception. 

2012 kicker Nick Bartolotta from Fox HS continues to impress me every time I work with him.  His explosion is ridiculous, especially for his size.  Very controlled and smooth.  I am very surprised that he hasn't landed with anyone yet, but am confident whoever gets him will end up finding they have found a unpolished diamond!

2013 Punter Cody Edwards of Rockwood Summit had some booming punts, avg. over 40 yards and over 4.0 on his hang time.  For those who don't know punting, that is actually a pretty big accomplishment to do that as an avg. and do not include bounces!  Look for that name as a scholarship punter for next years class.

2013 Kicker Andrew Phillips from my old High School Kirkwood showed great consistency.  Had a hard go on the field goal portion of the day due to some unlucky wind in his face.  Needs some more strength and power, but with his shown consistency and his dramatic improvement on his form, he will be just fine.  Look for him to climb the board on many schools lists as he continues to improve!

2014 Kicker Brandon Doyle also from Kirkwood also did well.  Looks like Brandon and Andrew had, and will continue to have, a friendly competition for playing time at KHS.  Competition always makes each guy better, and since its friendly comp, I see them both succeeding when it is all said and done.  Brandon's form has really come along.  He has great height and power on his FG.  Once his KO and Punts come around he will be a weapon for sure!

2015 Kicker Zach Potter from Terre Haute, IN impressed me again.  This was his second competition and he nailed 9/10, which makes him tied for 2nd on the NCS board (  What I like about Zach is not all of his FG makes looked good, but because he uses his body and momentum well, even his miss-hits he drives towards the target.  He is young, but I like his attitude and determination, so look for Zach to be a top recruit when the time comes!

What a great group of guys.  St. Louis had more rain in the two days prior than I can ever remember, and a little during the comp, but each guy stepped up and did not make excuses for the a bad kick.  Truely great "lets get after it" attitude that I love to work with.  I'm excited to come back and work with these guys May 6, 2012.

See more on these guys and the past or future events at

-Coach Nick Fleming
All American Kicking

Monday, March 12, 2012

How to identify college camps that are actually looking for a kicker!

I have had a lot of questions lately on kickers, punters, and snappers trying to maximize there trips to college camps in June.  Specialists want to know:
- How do you find out which universities are hosting kicking camps and where do you find them?
- How do you determine if that university or college is looking for a kicker, punter, or snapper?
- How can a specialist create a buzz about themselves before showing up to the camp?

Here is a brief rundown of these questions to help sort your way through the madness that has become college camps.

1.  How do you find out which universities are hosting kicking camps and where do you find them?

Answer - Its not hard, but can be time consuming.  Almost every college or University publishes any camps they have on their website.  Problem is, they all publish them in different places.  Here are some sections to check for them:
- Football section of the website (obviously)
- A tab labeled "Athletic Department"
- A tab labeled "Fans" or "Community"
- A tab labeled "Prospective Athletes" or "Prospective Recruits"

Rest assured it is on the site colleges or universities site somewhere, but you may have to spend some time finding it

2.  How do you determine if that University or College is looking for a Kicker, Punter, or Snapper?

Answer - A couple of different ways.  The old fashion way is to DO YOUR RESEARCH!!  Take a look at the rosters and see who there starter is.  If they have a "to be senior" starter, than chances are they will be looking to replace with a new kicking stud!  If the roster is filled with specialist, and more than one on scholarship at any specialty position (Kicker, Punter, Snapper), than sometimes (not always), that means that they have a fresh/soph stud waiting for his time.
Another way is to call or email and ask.  Esp. if you are a good prospect, they will tell you if they are looking to recruit someone out of the camp.  Some coaches will beat around the bush with you, but others will be honest and tell you straight up if they are not looking for anything in-particular from this camp.  I haven't known a coach yet that didn't offer at least a walk-on spot to a kid that blew them away, even if they were not looking for a kid.  Coaches can't pass up on talent, no matter how stacked the cupboard is.
The last way is to check with the kicking coach running the camp.  Now a days, most kicking camps are operated or coached by experts that are not associated with the college (Kicking Coaches like myself).  They can be a little more candid with you on what a college might be looking for.  They are not agents of the college or can speak for them, but they can use there experience and knowledge to guide you in the right direction

How can I create a buzz about me before I show up?

Answer - Contact the coaches, send film, create a website for yourself.  Everything you should already be doing to make sure you are prepared to sell your services to a coach, you should pass on to the school before you arrive.  That way, they can watch the film, and if they like it, they can keep an eye out for you when you show.
Connect with the kicking coach that is running it.  If you know that a certain kicking coach is connected with a camp you want to attend, make sure he has your film, or better yet, go complete a kicking session with him.  These kicking coaches all have a valued input on who is a good kicker when a college ask, so you want that kicking coach to say your name.  They only way to accomplish this is to make sure they kicking coach knows who you are!

I hope this helps!  If you have any more questions, take a look at my website or contact me directly!

Coach Nick Fleming

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to market yourself to colleges better!!

Ahh yes, the question every kicker, punter, and snapper asks me is "How do I market myself better to colleges".  The question is simple, but the answer is a little more complicated!  Here is what I suggest to all my guys

To market yourself properly, you must prepare properly.  I compare looking for a school is like looking for a job.  You have to have a clean and up-to-date resume, be able to stress who you are and why you are a great candidate in breif manner, and do a lot of homework to find what you are looking for!

Prepare: Three must Do's for anyone looking to go to college.
1.  Have your own website - Be able to have your own "online resume" that you can keep updated with video, pictures, stats, and anything else you would like.  The websites that I tell my specialist to use is easy to create, you pick the URL name (for google search purposes), and you can see if a school looks it from a school or desk computer. 
Check out for an example website
2.  Consectutive Kicks film -  Put together a film of you taking 10 or so consecutive kicks.  Do not cut the footage as you want to show "this is what I can do out of 10 kicks".  If you cut it (even if it saves time), coaches have no choice but to assume you cut out the bad kicks.  For Field Goals, make sure you hit from multiple locations.  Kickoffs, Punts, and Snaps just need to do 10 in a row from the same location!  So, you have to get yourself 10 balls to kick, get your plan together of what angles or which ball your going to hit next, etc.
3.  Highlight film from your season - Make sure you have a good highlight film that only shows what is necessary.  Coaches don't care about the entire play, just your kick.  The only part you need to include is from the time the snap begins, to the time the ball hits the ground.  The more "fat" you can trim off each clip, the more quality clips you can add.  College coaches don't have time to watch 20 min. highlight films, so you need to keep it at 5-7min. at best.  Trimming each clip up will make sure you can fit 10+ clips per min!

Check out the highlight film above that I completed for one of my students.  It gives you a good idea of how it shoudl look!

Do your Homework!
Every year I have a handle of specialist and parents coming to me wondering what happened.  The first question I ask them in return is "What did you do to promote yourself"...Most do the combines and the competitions and that is great, but they miss the big picture by not contacting schools, sending links to their websites, and reasearching which schools need specialist.  Being recruited takes a lot of unseccessful cold calls, emails, and college kicking camps.  Make sure each college that visits your campus is walking away with one of your highlight films, even if they didn't show you and interest.  If you put the time in doing your reasearch and reaching out to colleges, good things will come.  Remember, you only need one school to be interested to make it worth your time!

I am not a great writer and I get excited when I start talking about these types of things and tend to bounce around.  Feel free to visit me at or email me at with any questions and I will be glad to help you out!

AAK will be in St. Louis, MO, March 18, 2012

All American Kicking will be in St. Louis, Sunday, March 18.  Our instructional kicking sessions will conveniently follow the NCS Competition/Evaluation in St. Louis - SAME date, SAME location.

Check out our home website at for more information or to register.

All American Kicking - Special Sessions