Tuesday, March 20, 2012

St. Louis Camp a Big Success!

All American Kicking (www.AllAmericanKicking.com) had another good trip to St. Louis for a camp.  Each time I return home (I am from Kirkwood, MO originally), I am always impressed with the level of talent.  St. Louis is not know as a "hotbed" for specialist, but each year there seems to be a few top-notch guys that come out of the STL and this year is no exception. 

2012 kicker Nick Bartolotta from Fox HS continues to impress me every time I work with him.  His explosion is ridiculous, especially for his size.  Very controlled and smooth.  I am very surprised that he hasn't landed with anyone yet, but am confident whoever gets him will end up finding they have found a unpolished diamond!

2013 Punter Cody Edwards of Rockwood Summit had some booming punts, avg. over 40 yards and over 4.0 on his hang time.  For those who don't know punting, that is actually a pretty big accomplishment to do that as an avg. and do not include bounces!  Look for that name as a scholarship punter for next years class.

2013 Kicker Andrew Phillips from my old High School Kirkwood showed great consistency.  Had a hard go on the field goal portion of the day due to some unlucky wind in his face.  Needs some more strength and power, but with his shown consistency and his dramatic improvement on his form, he will be just fine.  Look for him to climb the board on many schools lists as he continues to improve!

2014 Kicker Brandon Doyle also from Kirkwood also did well.  Looks like Brandon and Andrew had, and will continue to have, a friendly competition for playing time at KHS.  Competition always makes each guy better, and since its friendly comp, I see them both succeeding when it is all said and done.  Brandon's form has really come along.  He has great height and power on his FG.  Once his KO and Punts come around he will be a weapon for sure!

2015 Kicker Zach Potter from Terre Haute, IN impressed me again.  This was his second competition and he nailed 9/10, which makes him tied for 2nd on the NCS board (www.nationalcampseries.com).  What I like about Zach is not all of his FG makes looked good, but because he uses his body and momentum well, even his miss-hits he drives towards the target.  He is young, but I like his attitude and determination, so look for Zach to be a top recruit when the time comes!

What a great group of guys.  St. Louis had more rain in the two days prior than I can ever remember, and a little during the comp, but each guy stepped up and did not make excuses for the a bad kick.  Truely great "lets get after it" attitude that I love to work with.  I'm excited to come back and work with these guys May 6, 2012.

See more on these guys and the past or future events at www.AllAmericanKicking.com

-Coach Nick Fleming
All American Kicking

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